
Why Buy Individual Stocks?


Individual stock ownership provides both the hope of great returns (for example, if you were to early on discover the next Google) as well as the potential for disastrous results (you could end up with a significant holding in the next Lehman Brothers). But because investors are not rewarded by the markets with higher expected…

Investing Headlines: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Huffington Post

You can learn a lot if you read the financial headlines with the right perspective. It’s unfortunate that most provide misinformation designed to encourage trading, increase anxiety and otherwise foster bad investing behavior. There are some notable exceptions, but finding them can seem like looking for a needle in a haystack. Good headline Burt Malkiel:…

Try This Revolutionary Approach to Investing

Huffington Post

As an investor, you are probably concerned about “uncertainty” in the market. Sometimes it may feel like you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It probably doesn’t help that the financial media appears so vocally divided between those who believe the bull market will run at least through 2015 and others who…

How To Think About Bear Markets


Until quite recently, 2014 had been a very quiet and calm year for the stock market. With the exception of a few days in early February, the VIX had never spent any time above 20. As August ended, it stood at just under 12. However, volatility has a nasty tendency to spike. And as AQR’s…

Hedge Funds Rip Off Investors


As we have discussed many times, the evidence demonstrates that hedge funds have consistently failed to deliver on their promise of alpha. There is an overwhelming body of research indicating that hedge funds must be ego-driven investments, because there can be no other explanation for why investors continue to pour money down the proverbial drain….

A Surefire Way to Make Money in 2015

Huffington Post

I have a surefire way for you to make money in 2015. It’s disarmingly simple, and I’m not even going to keep you waiting. Here’s what I want you to do: Get into the business of managing other people’s money. Specifically, become a broker and tell your clients you can “beat the markets.” This career…

Tax Mgmt Year Round Job


I was asked recently about a situation in which an investor had to sell stocks from his taxable account in order to meet a cash flow need; in this case, a down payment on a home. He pointed out the “good news” half of his situation. Because the present value of the equities was well…

Learn From This New Low in Financial News

US News

I woke up on Dec. 14 to this stunning headline in the New York Post: “High school student scores $72M playing the stock market.” It was a sensational story. The story was sourced to an original report in New York Magazine that reported Mohammed Islam, a 17-year-old student at Stuyvesant High School, was “rumored” to…

Don’t Repeat the Same Investing Mistakes Next Year

Huffington Post

It was a great year for stock market returns. According to data from Morningstar, as of Dec. 24 stocks representing the U.S. market returned 13.95 percent. Morningstar’s intermediate core bond index returned 5.16 percent over the same period. Even with disappointing returns in European and emerging markets, if you held a diversified portfolio, you likely…

Explaining The Value Premium


The existence of a value premium—the difference in returns between high book-to-market stocks and low book-to-market stocks—has been well-documented. However, there’s a major controversy as to its source. Some believe it can be explained by risk—that value stocks are the stocks of riskier companies. On the other hand, behavioralists believe the premium results from pricing…

Ignore Forecasters At All Costs


The historical evidence shows us that, in the long run, a thoughtfully designed, diversified portfolio of passively managed funds typically beats the performance of all but a few active managers. And while it’s simple to structure such a portfolio, it’s not easy to maintain. All too often, emotions—such as greed or envy in bull markets,…

Learn From the Cramer Kerfuffle

Huffington Post

I am no fan of Jim Cramer. While I fully understand his persona is a carefully crafted schtick designed to entertain, his Mad Money program harms Main Street investors. His stock-picking recommendations are no more likely to be accurate than the flip of a coin. The myth that Cramer has some special insight into the…

8 Tax Tips Investors Should Know

US News

It’s that time of the year again. Everyone is weighing in with tax tips to prepare investors for the tax preparation that follows the new year. I didn’t want to be left out of the fun, so I consulted with John Corn, a certified public accountant and a wealth advisor with Buckingham (with whom I…

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