
Book To Market & Size Premium


Since the 1992 publication of “The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns” by Eugene Fama and Ken French, the size factor has been among those used in asset pricing models that attempt to explain the differences in returns of diversified portfolios. While Fama and French limited their model to three factors (beta, size and value), asset…

View Tony Robbins’ Investing Advice with Skepticism

Huffington Post

America has discovered a new financial guru. Tony Robbins’ new book on investing, MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom, has shot to the top of Amazon’s bestseller list. Mr. Robbins, who has been nicknamed the “mahatma of motivation,” excels at self-promotion. The publication of his book has generated immense publicity, including…

Know The Risks, Stick To The Plan


In my 20 years’ experience as a financial advisor, I’ve learned that even if there were such a thing as the “perfect portfolio,” choosing the asset allocation that’s most likely to allow you to adhere to your financial plan is even more important than the allocation itself. Because adhering to your plan should give you…

The Guide to Happy Giving

Giving Tuesday might officially be behind us, but let’s face it—we’re just getting started. The giving season is underway, with the holidays and year-end bearing down on us. So how can we transform one of the more stressful, and sometimes guilt-ridden, elements of the season into something more life-giving? Whether you’re giving to a family member,…

The Most Important Symbol for Investors Is ‘DOL’

Huffington Post

Many investors are glued the financial news, tracking the latest reports about interest rates, earnings reports and stock movements. They believe this kind of intense focus will help them maximize returns. They couldn’t be more wrong. Instead of spending time looking up a stock symbol to find out its latest price, investors would be better…

Jim Whiddon on UnRetirement

“What fuels widespread fears at this moment isn’t aging. It’s retirement….Never before have so many people had so much experience and the time and the capacity to do something significant with it.” So states Chris Farrell in his thought-provoking new book, Unretirement. He goes on, writing that “the last third of life is being both…

Find the Real Investment ‘Pro’ in Your Mirror

US News

In most areas of human endeavor, we use the term “professional” to refer to someone whose educational background and skill level give him or her a level of expertise worthy of admiration or deference. It doesn’t work that way with investing. The term “investment pro” is tossed around with abandon. It refers to anyone who…

Viewing Others Through a Prism of Money

New York Times

Last year, a guy made headlines because he was caught using a lowly flip phone. In a world of gold iPhones and palm-size phablets, it does seem a little odd that someone would still use such a low-tech device. But it was the identity of the person using the phone that got everyone’s attention: Jerry…

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