
The Great American Pension Rip-Off

Huffington Post

Unless you work for a city or state government, you probably don’t have a traditional pension — also known as a “defined benefit plan.” The number of employers offering these plans has decreased sharply, and now, by some estimates, only 29 percent of workers in the United States have access to them. In contrast, 83 percent…

Your 401(k) Plan May Provide a False Sense of Security

US News

The 401(k) landscape is definitely improving. But with this improvement comes a new danger: Your plan may be giving giving you a false sense of security. According to a report on 2013 defined contribution plan data, “How America Saves 2014,” recently published by Vanguard, more than 88 million Americans participate in defined contribution plans. The…

A Close Look At Value & Momentum


Two of the most studied capital market phenomena are the value effect, where value stocks outperform growth stocks; and the momentum effect, where recent relative performance predicts near-term returns. Clifford Asness, Tobias Moskowitz and Lasse Pedersen add to the body of literature on this topic with their paper, “Value and Momentum Everywhere.” The study, which…

How To Protect Us From Ourselves


I recently read “The Hour Between Dog and Wolf” by John Coates, and it’s one of the best books on human behavior and finance I’ve ever come across. It could literally help investors get protection from their greatest enemies: themselves. By way of background, Coates is a senior research fellow in neuroscience and finance at the…

Does Taking Corporate Credit Risk Add Value?

Seeking Alpha

Earlier this week, we looked at whether adding credit risk in the form of lower investment-grade municipal bonds was an efficient approach to improving returns. The evidence is clear that this isn’t the case. In fact, taking more credit risk resulted in worse relative performance. Today, we’ll apply the same approach to determine whether adding…

Just ignore market and economic forecasts

CBS News

Stocks are about to plunge! Before you panic, this isn’t my forecast and it wasn’t made today. That was the warning from Wells Fargo strategist Gina Martin Adams on September 20, 2013. The S&P 500 index had closed the prior day at 1,726, and Adams was predicting a significant downturn in the market. Specifically, she forecast that the…

Canadian Investors Are (Mostly) Losers

Huffington Post

I have nothing but great respect and admiration for our neighbors up north. If you spend any time in Canada, you will be struck by the kindness, civility and charm of its people. Canadians enjoy long life expectancy, high average incomes and extensive social ties. The country ranks very highly on lists of the world’s happiest citizens,…

Connect These Dots to Try to Improve Your Returns

US News

Sometimes it’s necessary to piece together seemingly unrelated news items to come up with an intelligent, evidence-based plan for investing. This was definitely one of those weeks. Here are three such news items. By connecting the dots, you may be able to improve your returns: Dot No. 1: The odds against picking “winners.” Recently, an investor explained…

Oil Isn’t Doomed To ‘Contango’


The Wall Street Journal reported that, as of June 10, speculators (emphasis mine) held a near-record bet worth $35.7 billion that oil prices would rise on the New York Mercantile Exchange. In the debate about whether investors should consider including a portfolio allocation to commodities, one of the main arguments against doing so has been the huge amount of…

Do Lower Investment-Grade Municipal Bonds Add Value?

Seeking Alpha

The Federal Reserve’s zero-interest rate policy is now well into its fifth year, probably far longer than most – if not all – investors were expecting. This persistence of low interest rates has pushed many investors to stretch for greater yield from their bond investments. One way to achieve higher yield is to take on…

The Role Of Credit Risk In Exchange-Traded Notes

Seeking Alpha

The financial crisis of 2008 underscored the role that credit risk plays in many investments. And while counterparty risk has been in the spotlight with such derivatives as credit default swaps, comparatively little attention is paid to its impact on exchange-traded notes (ETNs), a type of tracking product. ETNs are relatively new — but rapidly…

Structured-Portfolio Advantages


We now turn our attention to another way in which structured portfolios can add value over index funds; namely, by creating “core funds.” Core portfolios combine multiple asset classes into one fund. The following provides a good example of why a core approach is superior to a component approach, and is the most efficient way…

Why We Love Premium Bonds And You Should Too

Seeking Alpha

A common error made by many bond investors is to avoid purchasing premium bonds – bonds that trade above their face value (or par, typically 100). A bond will trade at a premium when the coupon (stated) yield is above the current market rate for a similar bond of the same remaining term to maturity….

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